Woah, its a hot one out today, and it is suppost to stay like this for awhile. Took the dogs for a walk in the ravine today and then went to mom and dads. Pavel and Danik got a little pool today which was needed due to the hot weather. Pavel loves his new little pool and was having a great time.

Marley was close by as he laid in the shade- what a proud looking dog.

I am doing alright. I think my body is getting ready to have little Amelia. I just want to meet her, and see her so bad! We are so ready for her arrival I can't even tell you...Joe seems very calm still, and doesn't seem to be nervous or anxious what so ever...I didn't think he would be though. He is very excited and just wants to hold her. I had an ultrasound yesterday and everything still looks great, The women gave me a picture of her little foot and I just love it. These cute little feet have been kicking me for quite some time...looks like a strong little foot lol...future soccer star
Below are some pictures of me and my huge belly- 37 weeks

my bags are packed for the hospital, as well as Amelia's with her little outfit to come home in.