Hello Everyone
Happy Birthday Sister Jane! sorry it's a little late. I have been really busy lately so I apologize for wishing you a Happy birthday a little late. It sounds like you had a good day which is awesome. I'm so excited for you and Lucas to come visit in December, not to much longer.
So I'm feeling alot better lately, hardly any nausea anymore which is fantastic. Iam still really tired all the time, Lately Joe and I have been getting alot of sleep, usually a good 10 hour sleep. I just came back from an ultrasound appointment and I have another picture to add to my collection. It is so amazing to see our baby inside of my belly. He or She is a very active little one, Baby was jumping all over the place. The ultrasound women said how much baby was moving around. It was quite amazing to see my little baby jumping all around the womb, makes me so happy to know the little guy is doing well. I took a picture of the ultrasound image so you can all see. it is below..enjoy!
So our bathroom renovation is going good. It is alot more work then I thought. Joe has been working so hard and I'm so luckey to have him. He is so good at what he does, and knows so much. I like watching him work and I do tend to pick things up and I like watching all his knowledge go into his work. Once we started working on the bathroom we found out there was alot more work to do then what we originally thought. It was in quite horrible shape once we gutted it...the plumbing needed to be all re-done, the electrical needed to be all re-done, and the drywall needed to be all re-done as well. So right now we have the new bathtub in, the drywall is all done, and the plumbing and electrical are all re-done and work perfectly thanks to Joey. He also put in a vent fan which was needed. Tonight when he gets in we are going to work on the walls, and putty, and hopefully lay the tile floors.
Joe has been working very hard lately. He got promoted at work, and he is now working with the master plumber. He also got his own plumbing van which is awesome. He is thinking about taking his G2 gas technician course come January. He already has his G3, and the G2 is the next level. This would be two times a week for about a year, it's alot, but we think it's better to do it now, then when he has even more on his plate. I don't think I'm going to like it too much once the baby is born, but I know he is eventually going to have to do it so it may as well be now then when we have even more going on.
Christmas is coming, and unlike sister Jane I'm not looking forward to Christmas shopping, the busyness in the grocery stores and traffic all over the place. Joe and I are not spending alot of money this Christmas, there are many better places that money can go. Our Christmas presents to each other is the bathroom renovation, we set this in place before we started. There is nothing either of us really need, and I'm not a fan of having unnecessary "things" all over the place. Christmas to most people is about buying "things" and spending money. I love Christmas for the family time, food, traditions, and time off really. I don't mind a present or two, but going to Wal Mart at Christmas time and seeing hundreds of people spending so much money on such useless crap, all paying on there credit cards makes me sick. I hate it. Joe's family is the perfect example. Last year Joe's parents probably spent close to $8000.00 on presents for the family. It's all about show, seeing who can buy the most presents and who can have the most presents under the tree. They spend over $500.00 on me along. I didn't like it though. It felt wrong to me. They spent about $1000.00 on Ethan, it's just crazy. The crazy thing about it is that 3/4 of the garbage they bought last year is either broken, lost or in the garbage. Sorry Kate but it is consumerism. Joe told his parents not to spend alot on us this year. I think we are just going to ask for a video camera for both of us. We want one for when our little baby boo arrives.
Me in the hot tub, and Marley
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