Yuppers- Joey and myself are having a little girl. I had a feeling it was going to be a girl and I was right. I just came back from my ultrasound and I'm now at mom and dads, I came in and asked what their guesses were- mom guessed a girl, and dad guessed a boy...well mother dear was correct, and both seemed happy with the outcome of a granddaughter. We tried calling you today Ellen but for some reason it wouldn't go threw right.

Isn't she cute! haha. Things are getting exciting with my pregnancy now that I can feel her moving around. Most days I feel her move and kick quite abit. I have my hands on my belly most of the time so I don't miss any movements. I can't wait!!!!
Joe and I agreed that I wouldn't call him and tell him and that we would wait til he gets home from work. Joe did want a baby boy, but we clearly will have more children so he will just have to wait. He will love having a little girl and will treat her like a princess. I'm so excited to tell him, I already have ideas for what I'm going to do with the nursery to make it more girlie. I'm not going over board but I want to add something so you know its a little girls room. This is the colour of the room:
I'm thinking of painting a little thin vine around the room at the top and then painting little strawberries off the vine. I think the red strawberries will pop on the green walls. This is the crib I want to get for the nursery. It's from Ikea and it turns into a single kids bed once your done with the crib. I already have a mosquito net which I will hang over the crib since I now know its a girl. Mom and myself are planning a Ikea trip sometime in the future, Ellen if you want to come we can wait until your back so we can all go together.
Here are some pictures of my baby girl from the ultrasound today:

Isn't she cute! haha. Things are getting exciting with my pregnancy now that I can feel her moving around. Most days I feel her move and kick quite abit. I have my hands on my belly most of the time so I don't miss any movements. I can't wait!!!!
-Kate what # can we reach you at? Mom tried calling you the other day and it didn't go threw. Let us know, or give me a call sometime. I'm sure your excited your going to have a niece because the shopping is much better! haha. I'm out for now though, Wanted to share the exciting news. Let me know of any name suggestions!
Megan and Baby Girl
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