So today I did abit of shopping. I needed to buy a pair of maternity jeans, as well as a good bra. My first stop was Talize. I was so happy to find a great pair of maternity jeans - it was like they were made for my body, they fit so well. They are also in brand new shape and the pouch that covers your belly is a very nice light fabric so they are extremely comfortable. I can no longer where any pants that aren't maternity - minus some yoga pants, but most of them I find to tight now. I am now starting to get bigger...when I was in the fitting room I was shocked when I looked at myself, maybe it was because it was a different mirror then at home, or maybe it was the terrible lighting in the fitting room. Anyways the pants I got are awesome, they are also stylish to..Joe complimented my bum in them today so I guess that is Here are pictures of my great $9.99 purchase:
This picture doesn't show miss Strong to well for some reason so here is a better shot of how big I am as of 22 weeks (5 1/2 months)
I am now beginning to feel the effects of being bigger. Before I never thought twice of what I did with my body, I was like a crazy monkey, but now I'm finding it much harder to do alot of the things I do everyday at the speed prior to pregnancy...It's even a challenge sometimes getting in and out of the truck.

Baby Gap purple dress

I love these colours together- pink and brown...Little old navy sleepy with little frills at the feeties.
Rock star baby
I knew if I ever had a baby girl I would want her to wear a hat like cute!
Her closet has begun...but not nearly as full as it will be in a couple of months. Joe's friend and his wife just had a baby girl last month and they let us know they will give us the clothes she grows out of which is very nice of them. Anyways after Talize I head to Winners to buy a new bra and some new undies. I know I will soon need to buy a nursing bra but the girls have gotten way to big for my old bras to handle. I did finally find a good bra, but it did take some time. I then made my way over to the baby section and woah such nice things! Again the girls section is 3 times the size of the baby boy section. I had to really resist myself when I found an adorable pink Ralph Lauren dress with frills at the bottom and they also came with little panties to go over babies diaper. It was $20.00 which isn't that much money but when you see the amount of fabric your getting for that amount and when you think how fast she will grow out of it then I did think twice....well to be honest with you the only reason I didn't buy it is because I didn't want to take the chance of Joe being mad about my decision. But when he got home from work he didn't even seem like he would have cared if I bought it so I wished I did indeed purchase this adorable outfit. I could just picture her in it. There was so many beautiful dresses for baby girls too...So when baby Strong is 12 months it will be summer and there will be tones of dresses to put her in, most of the dresses that were really nice are more for when there 12-18 months so that will work out just fine.
Of course I went to the baby section, I have actually been waiting to do this since I found out that I was having a girl. I did find some cute stuff, I could of bought alot more but I controlled myself. There is tones more for girls, it's crazy...Now I know what Ellen was talking about...I would be a very frustrated shopper if I was having a boy...there is just so many nice baby girls clothes and this is just Talize, wait til I tell you about the nice stuff I saw at Winners. Anyways here are some of my buys at Talize.
Miss Strong will look adorable in this red Tommy Hilfiger dress
Baby Gap purple dress
I love these colours together- pink and brown...Little old navy sleepy with little frills at the feeties.
And by the way we are working hard to making Miss Strongs name official so I can start calling her by her name...We are thinking Amelia will probably be the name for our future baby boo, but I can't say it's official yet.
Anyways I should be off, were at Joe's parents house and we will be leaving soon. We rented the movie 9 which I can't wait to get home and watch.
Ellen Thanks for the last email, very informative! You are full of good advice, I'm extremely lucky to have you helping me out. We are hoping to get the nursery done by March at the latest because we have many projects to complete in the spring before baby comes...including minor kitchen renovations, and many things to do in the backyard including ripping out the old fence and putting up all new privacy fence, and ripping out the corner deck and other landscaping things. We want this all done by May so we will have our full. I am excited to go to Ikea in the near future and see what they have for little babes room. I will be excited to show off her nursery once Iam done with it.
I'm out for now though!! take Care
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