Baby, baby, baby
I love baby clothes. There is something about baby clothes that just melts my heart. The funny thing is, I remember feeling this way even when I was young. I have been obsessed with babies for as long as I can remember really. Ever since I fell deeply in love with Joe I have wanted a baby with him. I knew we would make beautiful wonderful little children and I have been waiting for this for a couple of years now. I'm very lucky that Joe wanted children at a young age like myself. We have always had the same goals and dreams, and we both knew we wanted to have a baby shortly after getting married. I have always pictured us as being the young, hip, energetic parents, that aren't like most mom and dads you see. I can't wait to see Joe hold baby Mia, I think I will probably cry the first time I see it. I have been waiting to see this since I basically met him. Women at my work have mentioned I should start getting used to all the women hitting on Joe because women can't resist a young, good looking guy with a baby...I must admit this is true. Whenever Iam out and about and I see an involved dad that is young and good looking I just get a huge smile on my face and I can't stop looking.
I'm sure you can tell how excited I am about Mia's upcoming arrival. Above are some of her clothes. A huge thank you to Ellen who sent me a beautiful little outfit. The denim hat, Pink long sleeve shirt and the adorable pink socks! I love them. The teddy bear is from Silvia from Christmas..I thought it was very nice of her to think of us. I found a women on Kijiji selling a whole bunch of baby girl clothes and I am picking the lot up on Saturday along with a swing that she is selling to me as well. The clothes are all basically new ( the women had her baby girl in May) and most are name brands. I figure it will give me a good start and it will save money because even when you go to Talize your paying on average $3.99 per item of baby clothes, and this way I'm getting like 80 items for a very good price. She also has a 3 in 1 Fisher Price swing that is in excellent shape, and Joe and I wanted to get one anyways for in the living room, so this will save us more money. We are picking that stuff up on Saturday so I'm excited to see more baby clothes!!
Bye for now!!
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