Well I have been feeling pretty good lately...getting bigger and bigger. Dad calls my belly a beach ball, because it's perfectly round and unlike alot of women you see that are pregnant there belly is spread out, mine is very compact. I think this is because I am small and also because I don't have much of any hips. From behind I don't look pregnant at all, which is a good thing because that means I haven't gained hardly any weight in my behind.
I have gotten quite obsessed with buying clothes for Mia, There is just so many nice things out there. I just picture what she will look like in these little outfits and it makes me so happy. I did buy a large amount of clothes from a women on Kijiji, but there wasn't many outfits that said " Amelia Strong". She is going to have character, and she needs to have outfits that show this. Yesterday I went out with Steph and we stopped in at Value village. There is just so many nice things it's increadible. Check out some of my buys...I think you may be able to tell my obsession with strawberries in these pieces lol. The one diaper suit, bib and panties are brand new.
A nice strawberry outfit for little Mia
I couldn't resist this...the little panties with the strawberries on the bum are just too cute.
I love this dress. I found this at Value village and I was so happy to find it. H & M white dress with matching panties. My favourite is the frills on the bum!!
This is Amelia's outfit that she will wear when she goes to see her great grandparents in the country...haha.
Mother and I went out today and stopped in at Once upon a child. They have so many nice clothes for babies. racks and racks of beatiful dresses, outfits, sleepers, everything you need. They do over price things however, at least the clothes that are name brands, and mostly everything in there are Old Navy, Baby Gap, H & M, and other makes so it isn't the cheapest, however still way cheaper then buying it new. Check out this beautiful little dress and panties mom got for Amelia..
Anyways I got to go for now!! Oh by the way the kitchen is done, however we are waiting on the counter tops, so I will post pictures next week once everything is done!
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