For example John is a 48 year old single man...if I told you I was friends with a 48 year old man you would be kind of weirded out right??? Well it's crazy because to me it's not weird at all. He is the nicest man you will ever meet, a very caring and loving man, he has children and grandchildren. He loves the same music I love, he loves simpsons, and when I talk to him I never even think about his age and it's not weird at all. I prefer hanging out with him then most people my age to tell you the truth. I gave him a hug before I left and he seemed generally sad to see me go. I will miss that guy, he is hilarious.
I'm even going to miss Gayle. She can be annoying at times, but the laughs I have had with her, or at her are just classic. She makes me laugh and is a damn good collector! She is also a very loving women and I love people with a big heart. The whole company also got together and all signed a card with many nice comments, and also gave me a Toys R us gift card. I was shocked...I didn't expect all this. This girl named Helena I work with also bought me a outfit for Mia, a toy and onesies...I'm not even close with her and she went out and got me this nice.I am going to try and pop in before I have Mia to see everyone, and of course I will go into the office after Mia is born. They all seem very excited to meet her so I will be happy to show her off.
My friend Sehar who I work with bought me this stylish diaper bag. She got it for me because we were talking about diaper bags the one day. We started talking about them because one of the managers we work with, Dave, bought his wife a $800.00 Coach diaper bag and we were saying how ridiculous he is for making such a ridiculous purchase. I told Joe that and he commented back " Way to go you just worked two weeks to pay for that" I laughed. It is absolutely insane...if your going to spend $800.00 why wouldn't you at least buy something useful and practical. But anyways she got me this bag which I love...lots of compartments and very stylish, I can use it as my purse too. That's it below.

Well Joe just got home from's about time it's 7:05pm! he worked 12 hours today..what a guy. At least he isn't working this weekend and it's a 3 day weekend so even better...however he will still be working because were doing our kitchen! lol.
Bye bye for now!
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